Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Ponderances in a festive season

Every year for the past half decade or so, the month of December was always met with fear and loathing for the inevitable exams that were quickly approaching. I never had a chance to get into the festive season or put much thought into getting gifts for loved ones. Instead, I would frantically try to survive the month's insanity, and only after exams would I be able to think about getting ready for the holiday (usually about three days). I used to hate December.

But not any more.

For the first time in six years, I'm finally able to take time and think about what this time of year is all about. I don't have any exams to think about, no assignments to worry over, and no profs to beg for extensions. It's a very very odd feeling; one I haven't had for some years. But I kind of like it.

I know pretty much anyone who's had the experience of spending a few years in school with the December rush and then graduating directly to the work world will be able to identify with this sentiment. If not the preparation for the Christmas holiday, then at least the lack of the seasonal ritual of getting ready for an academic raping.

I'm not entirely sure what my newfound time is allowing me to think about. I'm mostly now thinking about work and how I'm going to make use of my splendifferous income. I'm looking forward to going home in a couple weeks and spending a few days with my family. I also can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see what I've gotten them as gifts. I'm fairly certain they're all going to enjoy this stuff greatly.

I'm not sure about the direction of this particular posting. It was a little rambly yes, and for a change, it didn't contain any hockey references (except this one). I guess I just felt like spewing out random thoughts without too much worry about coherency or flow.

Yay me.

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