Monday, January 16, 2006
Some thoughts...
A friend recently asked me about my priorities in life. Based on what they'd seen, they thought my life was basically a big mishmash of Senators and Lord of the Rings. While I won't discount either of those two things, I feel it would be a good idea to list my top three priorities.
1. My family. I love all of them, and I can't really say more than that.
2. My friends. I have met, at one time or another, some of the most amazing people on this planet. I was blessed with great people in my life at the high school level and again here at Queen's. I've met people here that have changed my life for the better, people that have made me more interested in the world around me, and people that have made me more aware of my own shortcomings and successes. I'm heading into another unknown with graduation looming. As long as I have friends like the ones I do now, I'm not worried about going into it without help.
If you're a friend of mine, Thank You!!!
3. This last one is a toughie. There are a number of things in my life that are important to me on an equal level. School is important, but not a long-term priority (although short-term, Definitely!). Having a high paying job would be nice, but as long as I'm enjoying what I'm doing, I won't care if I'm not in the top income bracket. I think I'd have to go with my understanding and appreciation for music.
For those who don't know me all that well, I'm a fairly musical person. While I can't claim to have written a symphony or that I play 20 instruments (or even 4 really), I think I have an inate sense of what sounds good and what doesn't. I love making music with whatever instrument I can - usually the clarinet.
Is this last one geeky? Sure. Do I care? Not really. Has music helped me become the person I am today? Without a doubt. Once you are able to read and understand what music is all about, you look at things in a different light.
A last note - I don't usually post "deep" thoughts up here. Normally, I take potshots at some of my acquaintences and/or mock something I saw in the news/someone I saw at the gym/library/caf/etc. I see no reason to stop that, so here we go:
Steve, your mom's a whore.
I swear the next time I go to the gym, some girl will be on the treadmill in uggs. Break out the shovel!!!!
1. My family. I love all of them, and I can't really say more than that.
2. My friends. I have met, at one time or another, some of the most amazing people on this planet. I was blessed with great people in my life at the high school level and again here at Queen's. I've met people here that have changed my life for the better, people that have made me more interested in the world around me, and people that have made me more aware of my own shortcomings and successes. I'm heading into another unknown with graduation looming. As long as I have friends like the ones I do now, I'm not worried about going into it without help.
If you're a friend of mine, Thank You!!!
3. This last one is a toughie. There are a number of things in my life that are important to me on an equal level. School is important, but not a long-term priority (although short-term, Definitely!). Having a high paying job would be nice, but as long as I'm enjoying what I'm doing, I won't care if I'm not in the top income bracket. I think I'd have to go with my understanding and appreciation for music.
Is this last one geeky? Sure. Do I care? Not really. Has music helped me become the person I am today? Without a doubt. Once you are able to read and understand what music is all about, you look at things in a different light.
A last note - I don't usually post "deep" thoughts up here. Normally, I take potshots at some of my acquaintences and/or mock something I saw in the news/someone I saw at the gym/library/caf/etc. I see no reason to stop that, so here we go:
Steve, your mom's a whore.
I swear the next time I go to the gym, some girl will be on the treadmill in uggs. Break out the shovel!!!!
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"I think I have an inate sense of what sounds good and what doesn't."
Most of us have this thought. It's too bad we can't all be right.
Most of us have this thought. It's too bad we can't all be right.
Well, alternatively; the rest of the world has a different taste in music than I do - I like good music. HA!
I meant to say I can pick up on a beat, add a snippet melody line to a song I can hear, transition between multiple lines, etc.
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I meant to say I can pick up on a beat, add a snippet melody line to a song I can hear, transition between multiple lines, etc.
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