Sunday, September 04, 2005

Newly Broken Man

I've dodged fate long enough.

As some of you know, I have bad ankles to begin with. I was born clubfooted and had corrective surgery when I was younger. This left me with usable feet, but my ankles have always been a tad weak. I tend to roll them really easily when walking on uneven ground. Background - check.

Today I was hanging out across the street from Vic Hall watching this year's frosh move into residence. My friend Jenna showed up with her puppy, so I decided to take him for a jog around the square. The walkway I was walking on had concrete down the middle and interlock bricks down the side. In some places, the interlock had sunken down half an inch or more. As I took off, my ankle came across one of said spots.

I heard a loud 'pop', and looked down to see a large lump on my ankle. It looked something like this, but bigger. Jothe took some neat pictures. Anyways, making a long story short, we hailed First Aid, took a cab to the hospital, got it x-rayed, and they're not quite sure how bad the damage is. There are some identifiable bone chips in there, but I'm not entirely sure if they're from this incident or just from my wear and tear in general. Regardless, no major bone damage was done. The doc said that I probably farked up two of my ligaments, and that might require some intensive physiotherapy after I get this cast off.

Really, I'm sort of disappointed that I won't be able to do the frosh week activities I was planning on doing. For example, I wanted to go to the football game to harass the frosh and show them how to REALLY cheer for a game. I also was going to play at the Principal's welcoming ceremony on Tuesday as my last event with the Bands. I don't plan on being able to walk then, so that last one is out, but I might get hammered and go to the game anyways.

Really, as long as I can get to class on Monday, I'll be happy. This year is (for better or worse) all about graduating. That's why I'm not doing Bands or Walkhome. Well, sort of for Walkhome. See previous rants for that one.

Enough for one night. Look for lots of these in the next week as I'm likely gonna be stuck here!

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