Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Moving Adventures Part 10
So I did a little tally and found that I'm about to move for the umpteenth time in my University Career. As follows:
1. From Deep River to Wally
2. From Wally to Deep River
3. From Deep River to Leonard
4. From Leonard to Deep River
5. From Deep River to Barrie St.
6. From Barrie St. to Earl St.
7. From Earl St. to University Ave.
8. From University Ave to Johnson St.
9. From Johnson St. to Birch St./Yonge St.
and now, the soon-to-be newest addition to the move list:
10. From Birch St./Yonge St. to Victoria Ave.
By far, the worst move in the whole list was the Barrie St. to Earl St. move. We got screwed over on the U-Haul rental, the new place SUCKED (not as bad as when we moved out, but I digress), and there was a huge hide-a-bed in the place.
The best move was probably the University Ave to Johnson St. move as most of my furniture was provided by the Co-op. I didn't have to bring a desk, a bed (but I did), or a dresser (but I did again). Moved into a big place on the ground floor - it worked nicely.
I hope this move coming up goes as well as that one did. Knowing me though, it won't. At least the remnants of Katrina are supposed to pass us over by then.
1. From Deep River to Wally
2. From Wally to Deep River
3. From Deep River to Leonard
4. From Leonard to Deep River
5. From Deep River to Barrie St.
6. From Barrie St. to Earl St.
7. From Earl St. to University Ave.
8. From University Ave to Johnson St.
9. From Johnson St. to Birch St./Yonge St.
and now, the soon-to-be newest addition to the move list:
10. From Birch St./Yonge St. to Victoria Ave.
By far, the worst move in the whole list was the Barrie St. to Earl St. move. We got screwed over on the U-Haul rental, the new place SUCKED (not as bad as when we moved out, but I digress), and there was a huge hide-a-bed in the place.
The best move was probably the University Ave to Johnson St. move as most of my furniture was provided by the Co-op. I didn't have to bring a desk, a bed (but I did), or a dresser (but I did again). Moved into a big place on the ground floor - it worked nicely.
I hope this move coming up goes as well as that one did. Knowing me though, it won't. At least the remnants of Katrina are supposed to pass us over by then.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
So, I had a dream last night that I was going to be taking some courses next year that I REALLY didn't want to take. In reality, next year is one of the first years I've had in a while where I wont' be re-taking anything at all. Everythign will be new and fresh, and I'm really looking forward to it.
For some reason, I dreamt I had to re-take Orgo. Orgo, for the uninitiated, is Organic Chemistry. The Bane of my existence. It was by far the hardest course I've ever taken here... and I somehow passed (not by much, but I passed). This dream scared me a fair bit. To make matters worse, I'd be retaking it while my sister was in the course. Orgo is not to be toyed with... and I'm not taking some unholy combination of Tog and Orgo... we'll call her Torgo.
And just for the record, Mr. Greenhorn - you're an ass. Fiddledi Dee? Wow. If you're not scotty, and you want to know what this is about, email scott@qv7.net to find out.
For some reason, I dreamt I had to re-take Orgo. Orgo, for the uninitiated, is Organic Chemistry. The Bane of my existence. It was by far the hardest course I've ever taken here... and I somehow passed (not by much, but I passed). This dream scared me a fair bit. To make matters worse, I'd be retaking it while my sister was in the course. Orgo is not to be toyed with... and I'm not taking some unholy combination of Tog and Orgo... we'll call her Torgo.
And just for the record, Mr. Greenhorn - you're an ass. Fiddledi Dee? Wow. If you're not scotty, and you want to know what this is about, email scott@qv7.net to find out.
Am I a bad person?
I spent last night watching movies rented from Jumbo. A former housemate of mine works there, so I didn't pay for anything. I rented: Boondock Saints, Gattaca, and Men In Black II. I decided to watch the movies at my parent's place for a few reasons.. 21 degrees instead of 27, and 46 inch screen instead of 17. I think I made the right call.
Oh, as a sidenote, Justin and Heidi Dee's wedding reception was happening at the Olympic Harbour Restaurant last night. I know neither of them read this (actually, nobody does except me and scotty, maybe greg on occassion), but regardless, I wish them both well. I could have crashed the reception, and they probably wouldn't have minded - but I would'v ebeen wearing a bathing suit and a shocker t-shirt. As much as they wouldn't have cared, I'm sure their parents and other old relatives would have objected (had they gotten the joke).
Anyways, I got to my place, made some beefaroni, and sat down to the Boondock Saints. The title of this entry comes from this spot on the evening. At the part where the two irish blokes and Rocco are sitting in his kitchen and Rocco slams his hand on the table, causing a firearm to discharge into the cat sitting on the table, I had to pause the movie because I was laughing so hard. I mean, I don't really like cats. However, I still don't think it deserved to be reduced to a large red smear on the wall. As funny as that smear was. I think the part that really got me was the diminutive 'meow' heard when the gun goes off. Either way, I had to pause the movie for at least 5 minutes until I could see again.
I also watched Gattaca last night. I originally saw this film in Grade 12 as part of my OAC Science in Society course. I didn't get a lot of what they were talking about at the time (I thought GM Foods was simply food manufactured by either General Mills or General Motors - the hubbub about both confused me a great deal). Now, being a biology major, watching the movie actually scares me. Maybe I'll focus on this a little more later.. I don't want anything too heavy to take away from the awesomeness of a cat splatter on the wall.
I leave you now with one of the cooler pictures I've taken. This was taken with my phone, so the quality probably isn't as good as it should be. It was last Monday, and I was walking down to the pub for some dinner. The sun was setting and there was a line of clouds across the sky. As the sun set, the clouds turned more and more pinkish red. At one point, when I was standing beside the pub, the majestic city hall beside me appeared to be on fire. Hence this picture.

Enjoy! It's nice to be back!
Oh, as a sidenote, Justin and Heidi Dee's wedding reception was happening at the Olympic Harbour Restaurant last night. I know neither of them read this (actually, nobody does except me and scotty, maybe greg on occassion), but regardless, I wish them both well. I could have crashed the reception, and they probably wouldn't have minded - but I would'v ebeen wearing a bathing suit and a shocker t-shirt. As much as they wouldn't have cared, I'm sure their parents and other old relatives would have objected (had they gotten the joke).
Anyways, I got to my place, made some beefaroni, and sat down to the Boondock Saints. The title of this entry comes from this spot on the evening. At the part where the two irish blokes and Rocco are sitting in his kitchen and Rocco slams his hand on the table, causing a firearm to discharge into the cat sitting on the table, I had to pause the movie because I was laughing so hard. I mean, I don't really like cats. However, I still don't think it deserved to be reduced to a large red smear on the wall. As funny as that smear was. I think the part that really got me was the diminutive 'meow' heard when the gun goes off. Either way, I had to pause the movie for at least 5 minutes until I could see again.
I also watched Gattaca last night. I originally saw this film in Grade 12 as part of my OAC Science in Society course. I didn't get a lot of what they were talking about at the time (I thought GM Foods was simply food manufactured by either General Mills or General Motors - the hubbub about both confused me a great deal). Now, being a biology major, watching the movie actually scares me. Maybe I'll focus on this a little more later.. I don't want anything too heavy to take away from the awesomeness of a cat splatter on the wall.
I leave you now with one of the cooler pictures I've taken. This was taken with my phone, so the quality probably isn't as good as it should be. It was last Monday, and I was walking down to the pub for some dinner. The sun was setting and there was a line of clouds across the sky. As the sun set, the clouds turned more and more pinkish red. At one point, when I was standing beside the pub, the majestic city hall beside me appeared to be on fire. Hence this picture.

Enjoy! It's nice to be back!